Course dates 2024/25 for online German and language courses, for teenagers and adults.
The course dates and fees for online German and language courses are valid from August 2024!
The course fees in the following refer to open online language courses in small groups of 5 course participants or more or in individual training for private customers and self-payers.
We reserve the right to reduce the number of lessons accordingly if there are fewer course participants and by individual agreement, if the expected number of course participants has not been reached at the start of the course. The course times and prices given here are without guarantee. The course times and prices on your registration form and your invoice from info@langolerta.com are decisive.
Online tutoring in German and in languages for children and teenagers
Online tutoring in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and in other languages (also native languages) on request, 10 lessons in 5 weeks from 150 Euro in small groups or from 350 Euro in private lessons.
Online intensive course week in German as a foreign and second language during school vacations, 500 Euro per student in small groups
Online coding courses langolerta click&go, from 300 Euro
Online language courses for young people from 5 students
Online German, English, Italian, French and Spanish courses on request
Online Greek course with or without alphabet learning on request
Other languages such as Arabic and Chinese, with or without a preliminary course to learn the characters, can be booked individually
Online coding courses langolerta click&go in small groups or in private courses
Online language courses for students/au-pair/trainees from 5 students, -10% discount
Online intensive courses, Monday to Friday, 9.00-13.30, 300 Euro per week
Exam preparation for language certificates B2, C1, DSH, IELTS in individual training, langolerta exam&go, from 450 Euro
Online coding courses langolerta click&go, from 300 Euro.
German and language courses for adults.
Online Intensive Courses German as a Foreign and Second Language, German for the Job
Online German course A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1 or B1.2, intensive course weeks of 25 lessons each from Monday to Friday, 9.00-13.30, 635 Euro per week in a small group course, regular course starts
Online German course B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, C1.2 or C2, intensive course weeks of 20 lessons each from Monday to Friday, 2.45-6.00 p.m., 500 euros per week in a small group course, regular start of course
Online Bildungsurlaub in German as a Second Language, 40 lessons levels B2.1, C1.1 and C2
NEW: flexible intensive course days for German as a second language or in other languages, in individual training, e.g. three afternoons in a row from 14.45-18.00, 12 teaching hours, 420 Euro
Online English, Italian, French and Spanish group courses or intensive courses on request or anytime in private lessons
Online Greek group courses, with or without literacy, on request or anytime in private lessons.
Individual online literacy course, 20 lessons, 600 Euro
Other languages such as Arabic and Chinese, with or without a preliminary course to learn the characters, can be booked individually
Individual online alphabet course, e.g. for Arabic or Asian languages on request
Further offers
For refreshing school English or other languages learned at school (levels A1, A2, B1, B2) we recommend an individual revision course with langolerta revision&go, from 450 Euro per half level.
Exam preparation is included in all courses, but can also be booked separately with langolerta exam&go, starting at 5 double lessons for 450 euros.
Training courses for adults in programming languages or coding are available under langolerta click&go.
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