Didactic media in modern language courses
We use the latest media since 2004, gadgets and trends in the classroom so that you are always up to date with the latest learning developments and benefit in your learning process. Bring your smartphone or tablet with you to our class, we will integrate your media into the classroom.
We use interactive media such as those from Smart or Mimio or hardware that make walls and blackboards interactive, we use experiential approaches and methods of microteaching, as well as digitized pens in the vocabulary structure for children or digital highlighters for adults.
Let yourself be fascinated by textbooks that use Augmented Reality (AR), let us have fun together in a Virtual Reality (VR), with or without glasses, or try out mixed reality together. See artificial figures, so-called avatars, in our online lessons or create your own miniature 3D models in classroom lessons. Classic distance learning via our carefully selected conference rooms, in which you can receive live online lessons, also leaves nothing to be desired.
We love the latest technology and use it in a targeted manner.
For all classic learners and lovers of face-to-face teaching, of course, we also have the right audio-visual teaching material and can provide you with this at your own learning pace.
Since the Corona pandemic, we have increasingly used digital elements, and since 2023, exclusively, as we only offer classes online.
By the way, we have been working with selected textbooks from the following publishers, among others, for several years:
Cornelsen, Klett, Hueber, Karabatos, Schubert, Edilingua, Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, Mc Millan, Burlington Books, Express Publishing, Cengage, Hachette, etc.